You did it! You completed your quilt top and now it just needs to be quilted.
I’d be honored to be a part of your quilt’s story by providing your long arm services using one of my many edge-to-edge quilt designs. Check out my design library below.
Design Library
These edge-to-edge quilt designs will add texture and a professional finish to your latest project. Using Prostitcher’s state-of-the-art computerized technology on the Baby Lock Regalia long-arm machine, these designs stitch out beautifully every time, ensuring the quilting will be consistent and your quilt will be durable for all the love and wear it will certainly endure.
How it works…
Quilting pricing starts at $0.0175 per square inch. After you submit your quilt intake form, I’ll contact you with a quote and address any questions I have about your project. Then you can either drop-off your quilt top & backing, or ship them to me.
Prep Your Quilt Top
Please press all of your seams, snip all of your threads, and square up your quilt top & back before sending them in.
Prep Your Quilt Back
Your quilt back must be 4 inches wider on all sides than your quilt top. For example, if your quilt top measures 60” x 70”, your backing should measure at least 68” x 78”. I will gladly piece your back for $10.
Select Batting
You can provide your own batting or purchase batting at Block Therapy Quilt Shop. I currently stock a variety of Quilter’s Dream batting - cottons, polyesters, blend, bamboo, wool, & green Quilter's Dream battings. These range in size from craft to king. Please ensure that it is 4 inches wider than all 4 sides of your quilt top.
Click here to submit your request for quilting